
Showing posts from July, 2009

My Swiss Miss

Switzerland is secretly a country full of sex maniacs. I don't have definitive proof, but I do have listings for dozens if not hundreds of massage and modeling houses that turned up while I was trying to identify this place after the fact. Thanks to my lousy grasp of Swiss street signs (and some questionable directions) I was in the middle of a little town called Hegnau in the middle of the night looking for a club called Teatro. The street I was looking for was Zurcherstrasse, and there was about a block of road that had the name as I was looping around this tiny traffic circle trying to decide which of the other roads might be the other part of it. None were, but that's hindsight talking. Off this little strip of road that was part of the main drag (think local highway), I noticed a building kind of set down in a notch heading down a large hill toward the autobahn. Think overpass and next street to the left. It was clearly marked with sign "Studio Girls" and ...

Ten Commandments for Strippers

Thou shalt practice, practice, practice. Thou shall not resist mints, soap, and deodorant as your friends. Thou shalt befriend the snake. Thou shall not be a bitch. Thou shalt accept no for an answer. Thou shall not blame the customer. Thou shalt act like an entertainer in a customer service business. Thou shall not forget your shit is not our shit (and vice versa). Thou shalt earn (not expect) a tip. Thou shall not rip the customers off.

The Ten Commandments for Strip Clubbing?

Found some links recently to Top 10 lists with a twist, they're strip club related from the perspective of dancers and customers. The ones below were the most interesting of those I read. I think I'll take a stab at writing my own, and maybe will post some thoughts on the ones I've linked to. Consider this entry a work in progress... From a Customer Perspective: This is best of the ones I ran across. The pictures were appropriate, the commentary was hilarious and it is clear this is the set most imitated around the web. (mashup) From a Dancer Perspective: